The Flautist Locations
The Flautist uses real locations where possible. These are shown against the first chapter in which they appear.
Do not scroll down beyond the chapter you are reading or this might confuse the plot.

The meeting room in Chester Town Hall where George had his meeting to approve the building of the concert hall.

The Groves in Chester where George and Jimmy walked along the banks of the River Dee to the new concert hall. It is imagined to be built jst before the bridge off to the right.

Evinka Whyte's house is imagined to be in this terrace.

The view of the River Dee in Chester that can be seen from Evinka Whyte's house.

The sitting room in Evinka Whyte's house. The view above can be seen from these windows.

It is imagined that the new concert hall is built where this existing building can be seen behind the site of the Roman Amphitheatre which is in the foreground.

The concert hall in Aarhus, Denmark that Drake uses to describe the architectural strategy of the new Chester concert hall.

Straight ahead is the Boathouse pub on the banks of the Rover Dee in Chester where Drake meets George Marshall.The building on the left is a boathouse for the rowing club.

Both Drake and George Marshall are renting houses in this little terrace that sits on the banks of the River Dee (behind the camera) just along the river towards the city from the Moorings pub. The new concert hall is further to the left and set up on higher ground.

The central railway station in Zurich where Grace arrives to search for the nMn premises. She walks across this raod junction and off down behind the camera.

Grace walks along this pedestrian street in the old town of Zurich. It is called Oberdorfstrasse. The little coffee and wine bar is to the right.

Grace's hotel in Zurich. It overlooks the lake. Her bedroom is on the top floor/

The Rows in Eastgate, Chester. Drake uses the upper floor walkway to reach the Cross.

The rows where the musicians from the orchestra played to promote the next concert.

The Cross in Chester where the brass musicians played.

Another view of The Groves on the banks of the River Dee in Chester. Drake walks along here to get from the concert hall to his house.

The Moorings Cafe where Drake has a drink with his daughter Lucy.

This and the next image show the courtyard at the motorway service station where Katie followed Dr Peter Sostre

Drake walks up St John's Street in Chester on his way to meet the conductor at his hotel

Drake turns into Foregate Street. The Eastgste is just ahead and beyond that is Eastgate Street.

Drake passes through Eastgate and finds the conductor's hotel on the left.

Egerton Street in Chester where Dr Peter Sostre has his house. Katie goes here to follow him.

Katie follows Dr Peter Sostre through the village of Tarvin.

Drake's hotel in Prague.

The Municipal House in Prague where the concert hall is.

The astronomical clock in the old square in Prague.

The Smetana Concert Hall in Prague where Drake listens to a concert.

Bertramka, a large house where Mozart stayed while in Prague. Drake visits and is fascinated.

The view across the River Valtova that fascinated Drake. The castle and cathedral are at the top of the picture.

Drake walks across the Charles Bridge seen in the picture above and through this archway on his way to find the house belonging to the Kubicek family.

The old square in Prague that Drake walks through.